Last Updated: Jan 03, 2018     Views: 664

The Library and Archives are the second largest employer of students on Sul Ross's Alpine campus. We have a wide variety of positions that are funded through work-study and institutional funds for 10 to 19 hours per week, depending on departmental need.

To be considered for employment each semester, you must be enrolled in at least 6 hours during the Fall or Spring semesters and 3 hours during the summer semesters. All jobs require that you be dependable, punctual, and have a strong work ethic. Jobs in the Circulation Department require you work one evening shift a week or one day of the weekend. All work hours are scheduled around students' classes.

Our student assistants perform tasks like processing new books for the stacks, checking in and shelving periodicals, checking out and checking in materials to patrons, shelving books, keeping the library shelves neatly in order, helping patrons with materials "On Reserve," etc.

For librarian and staff positions, please see the SRSU Job Openings Page.

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