Last Updated: Jan 03, 2022     Views: 72

QuickSearch on the SRSU Library homepage: Use to find relevant sources in a wide variety of databases, including the Library building and the Archives of the Big Bend. Note that it doesn't search all databases.

Databases A-Z: Navigate between smaller, general databases and subject-specific databases to do more focused research.

Physical Catalog: Use to find physical resources available in the library building, including cataloged holdings of the Archives of the Big Bend

WorldCat: Use to find sources available in libraries around the world. (Because with Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery, you may have access to these items.)

Library Guides: Use to find basic information on a specific subject or supplementary information about a specific course.

Google Scholar: Use as a supplement to QuickSearch or other databases. Note that you may hit paywalls and need to cross-reference with QuickSearch or WorldCat to access full-text.

The Free Internet: Use to verify quick facts and general websites.



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